Monday 18 January 2016

workbook thoughts

Part of reason for being in training is learning what is your responsibility as an actor-- find ways of being 3D, regardless of direction given

"How do you act?" - September's question at it's core

Readiness and industry begets greatness onstage -- it's not possible for me yet because I still have work to do. Toolbox and technique allows an actor to draw on skill in the exact moment it's needed.

Discipline is required-- must be able to deliver

Actors need to act-- not by default or anything, but dedication and passion and drive, single-mindedness. Not talent, not lack of options.

Failure is a requirement-- part of the process. It is necessary.

"Teach us to care and not to care." - TS Eliot

Know what your limits are-- know when it's enough-- as long as it IS enough, as long as the WORK has been done, as long as it's measured correctly.

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