Wednesday 13 January 2016

Restoration & 18th Century - workshop presentation notes

Presentation based on:

  • other topics assigned to cohort
  • maybe filling in some blanks
Civil War Summary
  • Series of 3 wars between 1642-1651
  • Uprise of Puritans & anti-Royalist support in Parliament
    • Charles I wasted a lot of money, Absolute Monarch, potentially pro-Catholic, anti-Parliament
    • Beheaded for treason - 30 January 1649 - only monarch in UK history to be killed by subjects
  • Establishment of Commonwealth of England and Protectorate under Oliver Cromwell
    • Lord Protector (offered title "King")
  • House of Lords reinstated in 1660
  • Entire realm at war - estimated casualties (battle & disease)
    • England - 190,000/5 million - 3.7%
    • Scotland - 60,000/1 million - 6%
    • Ireland - 616,000/1.5 million - 41%
      • Ireland was Catholic and posed bitter threat - also many Royalists
  • Richard Cromwell removed - Parliament "reset"
    • "As if nothing had changed since 1642"
  • Charles II declared King 14 May 1660 - coronated 23 April 1661
  • Oliver Cromwell exhumed, hung and beheaded
  • Civil Wars effectively set course for Parliamentary Monarchy

  • Theatre reopened - revival of traditional holidays and festivities (Christmas)
  • Reestablishment of Church of England as national church
    • Stuarts had Catholic sympathies till 1689, Charles II converted to Roman Catholicism on deathbed 
  • Great Fire of London 1666 - Great Plague
    • Impactful on huge urban population boom
  • Advances in architecture - St. Paul's Hampton Court, etc. 
  • Science and exploration - literacy of middle and lower classes - Isaac Newton
    • 1663 - published history of all animals in Bible
    • Century following Galileo - astronomy, navigation
  • Habeas Corpus Act (unlawful imprisonment) - 1679
  • Literacy accomplishments - rise of "decorum" and taste/affluence
    • Women widely published
  • Act of Union - 1701 - Union of England, Scotland and Wales to Great Britain
  • Rights to pursue pleasure and libertinism (upper class)
  • Women onstage
  • Empiricism and industrialism take foot
  • Rise of slavery, especially in 18th century
18th Century
  • Act of Settlement - 1701 after Queen Anne's heir died
    • Succession passes to Hanovers to avoid Catholic succession by passing 50 more immediate claimants and ended Stuart line - German
  • 1708 - St. Paul's Cathedral finished in London
  • 1709 - Copywright Act - to protect ideas and discoveries
  • Music and opera - Handel comes to Britain
  • Advocacy for education of women
People and Monarchs
  • Charles II & Catherine - no legitimate heir - 13 children
    • Prince William will be first monarch descendent of Charles II
  • James II & Anne - his brother, overthrown because he was Catholic
  • William III & Mary II - his daughter and nephew, Anglican
    • William of Orange - Glorious/Bloodless Revolution
  • Anne & Prince George - her sister
    • Major advances in trade
  • George I & Sophia - her cousin
    • Robert Walpole holds parliamentary seat for 41 years - "prime minister"
  • George II & Caroline - his son, not seen as a good monarch
  • George III & Charlotte - his son, of American Revolution
  • Isaac Newton - mathematician and physicist - 1642-1726
  • Christopher Wren - architect, mathematician, physicist, 52 churches in London - 1632-1723 
  • John Dryden - first poet laureate
  • Jonathan Swift - Irish satirist and essayist - "Modest Proposal"
  • Samuel Johnson - published "first" dictionary, conversationalist, cat lover

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